This is Wonderland, Black Rabbit´s Wonderland. A place where our //Alice//´s advetures take place, full of secrets to uncover. Whoever is curious enough may fall down the hole as well and find him-/herself interacting with //Alice// and helping her find out what exactly is goign on...



I don´t have much time, but...

I wanted you people out there to know that I am here and I need help. Nobody wants to tell me anything about what´s going on here.
When I ask Black Rabbit, it just runs away from me!
When I ask a Heart´s Knight, he won´t answer.
And when I try to ask for an audience with the Queen, nobody gives me permission to have one!

I am in Wonderland, isn´t that right? There should be people who can help me here, right? Where are my allies? 

Do I not have any?

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